Become a Sponsor

Sponsor the third season of Western Colorado's premier professional ballet company. Colorado West Performing Arts Company's 2024-25 Season will include four different ballets. With 24 scheduled performances throughout western Colorado, including Grand Junction, Montrose, Rifle, Glenwood Springs, and Telluride, sponsorship will lead to great exposure for your business as well as positively impacting the arts in the new industry we are creating. Please select from the following corporate sponsorship levels and email a completed form to Our ballets reached over 13,000 patrons on average in our first two seasons, and our goal is to reach over 20,000 patrons across Western Colorado this season. Be a part of this unique journey to cultivate performing arts on the Western Slope.
Corporate Sponsorship Levels
Logo & link to your business on Absolute Dance’s Website
FULL PAGE AD in all 2024-25 Performance Season Programs
8 tickets to each ballet production ($1500 value alone!), 20% off additional tickets
Logo on 2024-25 Performance Season DVD Covers and Credits mention
Sponsor logo on the front of program, poster, and all print marketing/ mailers
Sponsor logo page in pre-show production credits ​
$1000 per production
Ovation Premier (add-on)
Limited one sponsor per ballet production (add-on to the Ovation Season Sponsorship)
Pre-show Credits projections at Avalon Theatre
Prominent Title/ Sponsor logo on the front of program, poster, and all print
Logo and link to your business on Absolute Dance’s Website
Recognition in Season Program's Dedicated Sponsor List
HALF PAGE AD in all 2024-25 Performance Season Programs
6 tickets to each ballet production ($1000 value alone!), 20% off additional tickets
Recognition in Season Program's Dedicated Sponsor List
Logo & link to your business on Absolute Dance website
QUARTER PAGE AD in all 2024-25 Performance Season Programs
4 tickets to each ballet production ($700 value alone!), 20% off additional tickets
Recognition in Season Program's Dedicated Sponsor List
2 tickets to each ballet production ($350 value alone), 20% off additional tickets
A La Carte Sponsorships
All items will appear in the playbill as well as on our social media accounts.
Pointe shoe sponsor $125
Principle tutu sponsor $500
Sponsor a Dancer $1000
Name/business gets mentioned in the dancer's bio
and on the company website
Children's Outreach Show Sponsor $4500
Reaches 900 title school children with
full page ad and mention for that ballet
Single Ballet Sponsorships
*Single ballet half page advertisement and social media mention.
Spring Ballet $250
(estimated 1500 patrons from Western Slope)
Fall Ballet $500
(estimated 3500 patrons from Western Slope)
Winter Ballet $500
(estimated 3500 patrons from Western Slope)
Nutcracker $800
(estimated 5500 patrons from Western Slope)